Airport Information

Flying is a popular way to enter Romania. Many local and international airlines fly to Bucharest, but there are also other airports you might want to consider if the capital is not your destination.

Banks in Romania

The Romanian banking system has two levels: the first one includes the National Bank of Romania (BNR) and the second one comprises all the credit institutions. While the central bank is responsible for elaborating and implementing financial policies, issuing money, setting the exchange rates and supervising the other credit institutions, it has little to do with the actual customers

Before You Go

Let’s imagine you have heard about the beauties of Romania and that an unstoppable desire to visit it bloomed in your heart. (It is not uncommon, we are telling you!) There are some steps you will have to prepare and organize before coming here.

Consultes and Embassies

If there are specific visa requirements or travel issues related to your trip, we strongly advise you to consult your country’s representatives in Romania. Below we have provided a list of embassies and consulates and the necessary contact information.

Cultural Festivals

The number of cultural festivals held annually in Romania increases from year to year, bringing more participants and attracting more and more tourists from all over the world. Depending on your tastes, you can choose the outdoor manifestations of the medieval festivals or the renowned classical music competitions, rock concerts or theatre and film festivals.

Driving in Romania

The car offers a great liberty of action on the Romanian roads. It is sufficient to own the necessary driving documents (a valid driving licence, the car insurance – green card, the vehicle registration document) and to drive on the right side of the road (the steering wheel should be on the left).

Getting There & Around

Ten thousands kilometres of railways, administrated by SN CFR (the National Society of Romanian Railways), cover the territory of Romania. There are three types of trains: InterCity, InterRegio and Regio. The InterCity trains connect the most important urban settlements and the journey is fast and comfortable, especially if you’ll have the chance to travel with a Săgeata Albastră (Blue Arrow) train.

Health and Safety

Romania does not represent any major threat to the health of the travellers, but in case that something unexpected happens, below you can find some useful information related to health and safety.

History of Romania

Little is known about the history of the territory of nowadays Romania during the Stone, Bronze or Iron Ages. We do know, however, that this region represented an attraction point for colonizers and conquerors over the millennia, especially for Greeks and Romans.

Important Days

Almost every day in the Romanian calendar coincides with a celebration, a holiday or a festival. There are many types of events that the Romanians observe with sanctity, be them cultural, historical or religious.

Language Basics

The official language in Romania is Romanian, the only Romance language among the Slavic ones from Eastern Europe. If you speak or have notions of Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese or other languages derived from Latin, then there are big chances you will understand and make yourself understood easily.

Local Cuisine

Romania is one of those countries where you will find the most appetizing dishes in the world. The local cuisine sometimes presents differences depending on the region and on the season, but it remains delicious, throughout the year, all over the country.

Local Media

The communist censorship drastically reduced the number of daily newspapers, as well as the broadcast hours of the national television channel and the activity of the public publishing houses in Romania. After December 1989, the media sector faced a boom unparalleled by any other field of the Romanian society.

Mobile Operators

When travelling to Romania, it is possible to bring your mobile phone, but beforehand make sure that you have contacted your home mobile operator in order to activate the roaming service. The second condition is to own a tri-band phone able to operate in a 900/1800 MHz GSM network, compatible with that of most of the European countries, but different than that of USA.

Practical Information

We are 101% sure that your experience in Romania will be a memorable one and that you will be thrilled with everything you will see, hear, taste, do – in a word, experience – here.

Private Clinics

While the quality of the public medical services is usually below standards, the private clinics and hospitals benefit from professional staff, last generation equipments and modern facilities. Moreover, the staff of these private institutions can usually speak English or other foreign languages, which turns out to be a very valuable trait in case of need.

Romania Culture

Along the millennia, the Romanian culture developed as a product of its inhabitants, conquerors, religion and traditions, with notable differences depending on the region. The rich and still vivid popular art and culture draw inspiration from immemorial agrarian and fertility rites, successfully combined with newer influences.

Romania Currency

The leu is the official currency of Romania. Since January 2007, the old Romanian leu (plural lei) was replaced by the Romanian New Leu (abbreviated RON). The new lei come in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500, but it is better to use only smaller banknotes (up to 100 lei), as they are more frequently used. The leu’s subdivision is the ban (plural bani), with 1lei=100bani.

Sports and Outdoor Activities

Romania has an unlimited potential for offering its tourists unforgettable memories, to a great extent due to the phenomenal richness and diversity of its relief. 

Study and Living in Romania

Although significant improvements in the everyday lives of the Romanians have taken place in the years after the 1989 Revolution, and mostly after the country joined the European Union, more and more Romanians leave the country for jobs in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, USA and even Israel.

Useful Telephone Numbers

If you are facing any kind of emergency, dial the unique emergency number 112. For any other information related to your stay in Romania, we have provided a list of useful telephone numbers where you can address your enquiries.

Visa Information

Before coming to Romania, you have to make sure you have all the necessary documents for entering the country (ID card, passport, visa). For tourists who need a visa, in order to obtain it, we strongly advise you to check the validity date of your passport: it should be greater than 6 months beyond the entry date in the country.